Mar 10, 2011

calzón chino~Chinese breeches

Por la tarde, mientras tomaba una taza de café caliente para espantar un poco el frío, se me vino un recuerdo de mis días de escuela.
Nunca falta el chistoso que le hace calzón chino al distraido!!
No sabes lo que es el calzón chino...? es un momento en que estas pensando en la teoría de la hipotenusa y estas a punto de descifrarla y de repente llega alguien y "Kruiiiich" te jala el calzón a todo lo que da. "Eso es Calzón chino"
Hay que tener precaución, nunca sabes cuando llega... o cuando hacerlo jejejeje!

This afternoon, while drank a cup of hot coffee to scare a little the cold, came in my memory the school days.
There is always a naughty boy who makes Chinese breeches to a distracting boy!!
If you do not know what the Chinese breeches is...? in a moment when you're thinking in the theory of the hypotenuse and are to close to decipher it and suddenly someone comes from behind you and "Kruiiiich" He pulled your pants until you start to see stars and flashes.
Warning, you never know when comes ... or at what time do it, hehehehe!


  1. Ouch! That's a major "wedgie!" ;o)

  2. Great story! I love your header too!

  3. Qué doloroso recuerdo, Horacio!!!

  4. This is so funny, love it. Love the black and white ink style.

  5. Interesting characters and linework :)

  6. oohhh ahahaha that is so funny, well he can come whenever he wants i dont care because i think i am more evil than him!!!

    watch out! :D

  7. oh Happy Person, i just heard breaking news about your country, that tsunami hits Japan :((
    im so sorry to hear that, is everything okay with you and your family?
    i hope so!
    i'll pray for you... please let me know, im so worried!

  8. Y existe el Calzón Japones?¿

    Estamos en Frecuencia.


  9. Hi, Horacio! Are you safe? I read about the earthquake and got worried! I hope that you, your family and friends are O.K.!
    I like the image of the mischievous boy - a real devil...

  10. que divertido dibujo :)
    Espero que esten bien por allá, los mejores deseos y que las cosas se calmen ♥


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